Learn to dance with us
Do you want to join our classes and learn to dance? You are in the right place, we offer salsa, bachata, and kizomba classes workshops, courses, private classes and more. You can find here our upcoming and ongoing events.Ongoing classes and courses

Mondays Beginners Bachata Level 0
Monday weekly classes are held at B-Yard Food Court in Puerto Santiago. Every Tuesday from 18:30 to 20:00, the class is divided into bachata moderna/sensual and traditional styles to help you understand the development of Bachata and how it evolved from the Dominican Republic. Classes are 10€/class, or you can pay 35€ for four classes. Get in touch to join via email or phone at contact@bailacanarias.com / +34 629 17 82 42

Tuesdays Improvers Bachata Level 1
Tuesdays weekly classes, 18:30-20:00 in Arkadia Ballet and Pilates in Puerto Santiago. Bachata Moderna/Sensual and Tradtional style. Suitable for people who are familiar with the basic steps, leading and following techniques and turn patterns. Welcome to join and drop in, any questions contact@bailacanarias.com / +34 629 17 82 42

Wednesdays Salsa Cubana Level 1
Wednesday weekly classes, 18:00-19:30 in B-Yard Food Court in Puerto Santiago. Improver Rueda de Casino classes suitable if you are already familiar with the basics of Rueda de Casino. Welcome to join and drop in, any questions contact@bailacanarias.com / +34 666 74 55 66